How the concept of working from home affects the HR department

Figure 1: Working from home

The phrase "working from home" refers to a worker who carries out their duties at home rather than in an office setting. This can be permanent as part of a home or hybrid working structure, or it might be transient, as was the case during the COVID-19 epidemic. Working remotely, commonly referred to as telecommuting or remote work, may have a big influence on a company's Human Resources department. This new manner of working has gained popularity over the past several years, and the COVID-19 epidemic has sped up its acceptance even further (Chen, 2022).

Benefits of working from home for employers

Figure 2: Advantages of working from home

Working from home offers several benefits for employers, and many organizations have recognized these advantages, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While remote work offers numerous benefits to employers, it is essential to strike a balance and consider individual job requirements and team dynamics. Hybrid work models that combine remote and in-office work may be the most effective approach for certain organizations. 

By leveraging the advantages of remote work while addressing potential challenges, employers can create a flexible and productive work environment that benefits both the company and its employees. 

The benefits of working from home for the employer can be identified as follows:

  • Reduced overhead costs

A smaller office is required when people work full-time from home or on a hybrid schedule, which can save on operating expenses.

  • Bigger talent pool

A candidate pool that may have previously been closed off is now open thanks to the hiring of workers who can do their jobs from home. People without access to a car for commuting, parents of small children, and many more are examples of this.

  • Reduced absences
Remote work can lead to reduced absenteeism due to reasons like illness or weather-related issues. Employees may still be able to work from home even if they are unable to travel to the office.

  •  Increased concentration

Allowing employees to work from home might help them focus entirely on a job when several deadlines are approaching. They can concentrate fully on a task because there isn't the additional distraction of a busy office to distract them.

  • Better mental health for employees

Cutting stress is obviously essential for a productive workforce because it plays a significant role in mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Stress at work is unquestionably detrimental to both individual and group well-being, as well as office communications and productivity. Therefore, everything that reduces stress at work is beneficial for workplaces (Briggs, 2022).

Figure 3: Working from home benefits for business

How remote work has Influenced the role of HR

  • Employee Engagement

Employee engagement has been an issue for human resources professionals since the introduction of working from home. Many employees could feel cut off from their tasks or the overall culture of the organization as a result of the shift away from office-centered work. HR has had to take the initiative to offer remote workers assistance and virtual engagement strategies. This covers the usage of working spaces, collaborative software, unique staff gatherings, and events. HR's creative engagement strategies and benefits make sure staff members feel engaged and understand any company goals.
  • Communication

Many employees are still not entirely accustomed to working from home, so HR must always keep open lines of contact with them. When dealing with actual people, many workplaces probably had an open-door policy and unrestricted contact. HR managers have to be resourceful in order to preserve this culture in a remote workplace. This might entail fostering talks or providing staff with the resources necessary to translate this culture and mannerisms into a virtual environment. HR must convey more than just business information in an all-online workplace. Additionally, they must keep an eye on how workers are adjusting to their new remote work environment. By doing this, HR can be certain that every effort is being made to keep the remote workers satisfied and productive.

  • Digital technologies

In response to COVID-19, human resource departments have to take a compassionate approach to management and concentrate on the mental and physical requirements of their workforce. This might entail making sure staff members have all the resources they need to properly operate from home. The development of a smooth, mobile-accessible digital employee experience may require the assistance of HR managers. The onboarding of new employees, staff training, and general team management must all be considered in this new approach. This may entail providing each employee with new equipment. It could also take the form of spending money on new management or software programs to enhance remote processes. Additionally, HR departments have had to put procedures in place to deal with workers who incur extra expenditures related to working from home such as phone and internet bills.

  • Job performance

HR organizations for remote workplaces must also develop appropriate standards to electronically assess employee job performance. Managers and HR are less aware of workers' behavior when they work remotely. As a result, the daily triumphs or failures of employees may be easily missed (Irshad, et al., 2021).

In conclusion, the concept of working from home profoundly affects the HR department, requiring adjustments to policies, communication strategies, performance management, employee engagement initiatives, and compliance measures. By embracing these changes, HR professionals can effectively support and maximize the potential of a remote workforce.

  • Briggs, N. H., 2022. BENEFITS OF REMOTE WORKING FOR EMPLOYERS. Avocor, 2(1), p. 18.
  • Chen, Z., 2022. Influence of Working From Home During the COVID-19 Crisis and HR Practitioner Response. Frontiers , 1(1), p. 13.
  • Irshad, H., Umar, K. M. & Rehmani, M., 2021. Impact of Work-From-Home Human Resource Practices on the Performance of Online Teaching Faculty During Coronavirus Disease 2019. Frontiers, 3(1), p. 34.


  1. Concept of work from home has many pros and cons and many organizations have implemented it as the same has many benefits for the performance of organization and also for work-life balance of employees. Thanks for the article.

  2. Working from any place of choice is indeed the future of work and office is no longer the primary place that work happens. A change of mindset is needed by both the employees and employers to promote a healthy work environment when people are not frequently meeting each other physically.

  3. Yes, explicitly state the advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, the disadvantages are greater in remort workplaces other than the IT business.


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